100 Place Polypropylene Storage Box for Microcentrifuge Tubes
10X Pocket Loupe Magnifier, Student Quality
12" (30cm) Length - Curved Aquatic Forceps
12" (30cm) Straight Aquatic Forceps
AcroPak™ 300 Capsule with PTFE Membrane - 0.2 µm, stepped hose barb
Alcohol Lamp (Burner) Hexagonal, Glass
Alconox® Laboratory Detergent
Amber Latex Tubing (Various Sizes)
Argos #R3027A PolarSafe™ Cryo/Freezer Boxes
Beaker Brushes
Beaker, Glass, 100 ml
Beaker, Glass, 1000 ml
Beaker, Glass, 150 ml
Beaker, Glass, 250 ml
Beaker, Glass, 400 ml
Beaker, Glass, 50 ml
Beaker, Glass, 500 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 100 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 1000 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 2000 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 250 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 4000 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 50 ml
Beaker, Polypropylene, 600 ml
Beakers, Set of 5, Polypropylene
Bogorov Counting Chambers (39 ml), Pkg/2
Bogorov Counting Chambers (6 ml), Pkg/2
Bottle Brushes
Bottles, Square and Rectangular, Polyethylene, 1000 ml
Bottles, Square and Rectangular, Polyethylene, 250 ml
Bottles, Square and Rectangular, Polyethylene, 500 ml
Buret / Pipe Brush
Calibration Weights, Metric (Various Masses)
Cellulose Filter Papers, Grade CFP1, 7.0 cm Diameter
Cellulose Nitrate Filter Membranes, Gridded, Sterile, Whatman #7141-104:
Centrifuge Tube, Conical Bottom, Plain, 50 ml, Polypropylene Tube, Case of 500
Centrifuge Tube, Conical Bottom, Plain, 50 ml, Polypropylene Tube, Rack of 25
Conical Tube, 15ml Graduated, with Screw Cap
Conical Tube, 15ml Graduated, with Screw Cap, Case of 500
Conical Tube, 50ml Graduated, with Screw Cap, Bulk Packed, Bag of 25