YSI ProODO - 20m Cable and probe Assembly

YSI ProODO - 20m Cable and probe Assembly

  • $706.00
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Product Code: 626250-20

Optical dissolved oxygen (ODO) probe assembly with 20m cable for use with the ProODO and 5500D instruments.

ODO probe and cable assemblies come with an ODO sensor cap. Comes with a cable management kit.

The 626250 optical DO probe and cable assemblies are for the ProODO and 5500D. Although the 626250 assembly will also work with the ProSolo and ProDSS meters, we recommend using the new ProDIGITAL ODO/T assembly with the ProSolo.

 ODO Sensor Technology

Dissolved oxygen measurement technology has advanced from electrochemical sensors, such as polarographic and galvanic, to luminescent-based, optical sensors. YSI optical DO sensors are non-consumptive, meaning oxygen is not consumed during the measurement. As a result, there is no flow dependence or stirring required with ODO, allowing for the most accurate readings in the field.

Advantages over electrochemical sensors include:

  • Higher accuracy with no stir dependence
  • Less drift over time; holds calibration longer Ÿ Less maintenance; no membranes or electrolyte


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