Lamotte Freshwater Testing Outfit (Model AQ-2)
This product does not ship to addresses outside of Canada.
Product Code #3633-05
To provide fresh reagents, this is ordered in as required, so please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery
A complete outfit for pond fish culture, ideal for fresh water analysis. Nine critical test factors can be efficiently and accurately determined on-site. Designed with field analysis as a priority; all reagents, components and accessories are arranged in pre-drilled ethafoam. Short form instructions are provided in a handy lid label for easy access. Long form instruction booklet provides detailed instructions and test kit diagram. Unit is supplied complete with labware, accessories, sampling bottle, and reagents for 50 tests of each factor.
In order provide kits with fresh reagents, this kit is ordered in as required. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Inquire for price and availability of individual replacement reagents and parts. Complete refill reagent set.
Test Parameters Included in this Kit:
Octa-Slide Comparator Tests |
Range |
Ammonia Nitrogen | 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ppm NH3--N |
Nitrite Nitrogen | 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 ppm NO2--N |
pH | 5.0, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 pH |
Direct Reading Titrator Tests |
Range | Sensitivity |
Alkalinity (Total) | 0-200 ppm as CaCO3 | 4.0 ppm |
Carbon Dioxide | 0-50 ppm CO2 | 1.0 ppm |
Chloride | 0-200 ppm Cl | 4.0 ppm |
Dissolved Oxygen | 0-10 ppm O2 | 0.2 ppm |
Hardness (Total) | 0-200 ppm as CaCO3 | 4.0 ppm |
Temperature | Range | Sensitivity |
Armored Thermometer |
-5° to 45°C | 0.5°C |