Lamotte Limnology Testing Outfit
Product Code #5902-02
This product does not ship to addresses outside of Canada.
To provide fresh reagents, this is ordered in as required, so please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery
A popular outfit for the testing and study of freshwater systems such as ponds, lakes, wetlands, rivers, streams, etc. This field-friendly outfit contains individual test modules for seven key freshwater test factors, water sampling bottles, three supplemental handbooks, and data sheets. The handbooks include Limnology, A Study of Water Quality, and Investigating Water Problems.
Inquire for price and availability of individual reagents and replaement parts.
Includes the following kits.
Octa-Slide 2 Comparator Tests |
Test Factor |
Range (# Tests) |
Kit Codes |
Nitrate Nitrogen |
0.2-1.0 ppm (40) |
3119-01 |
Phosphate |
0.2-1.0 ppm (50) |
3119-01 |
pH |
3.0-10.0 pH (50) |
5858-01 |
Silica |
0.5-10 ppm (50) |
4463-01 |
Direct Reading Titrator Tests |
Test Factor |
Range |
Kit Codes |
Carbon Dioxide |
0-50 ppm (50) |
7297-DR-01 |
Dissolved Oxygen |
0-10 ppm (50) |
5860-01 |
Hardness |
0-200 ppm (50) |
4824-DR-LT-01 |