YSI 2002 Galvanic D.O. Sensor
YSI 2002 Galvanic D.O. Sensor for the Pro20, Pro20i, Pro1020, Pro2030, and Pro Plus instruments.
Easy user-replaceble sensor allows for quick sensor replacements if needed. No tools necessary.
Six-month sensor warranty.
Uses convenient screw-on cap membranes making membrane changes simple and easy.
Model #2002 Part #605202.
Use with the Professional Plus and Pro20 instruments.
Cables must be ordered separately.
2002 sensor can be used on 60520 (DO), 6052030 (DO/conductivity), 6051020 (DO/ISE), and 605790 Quatro (DO/conductivity/ISE/ISE) cables.
Comes with 5913 Cap Membrane Kit (1.25 Mil PE, Polyethylene membranes).